2015년 1월 6일 화요일

[versioning] Cast a Wide Net

Pen Pusher

General web

snabbt.js [github/daniel-lundin] is a JavaScript library that offers some incredibly light, fast animations.
Hub [github/github] is a command line tool to make git work better with GitHub. That was a very repetitive sentence.
Here’s a guide to indexing your Gmail with Elasticsearch [github/oliver006].
And here’s Chrome Dev Tools turned into a standalone app [github/auchenberg].
Here’s the list of the most popular CodePen pens for 2014 [codepen].
A guide to building a language using Haskell [dev.stephendiehl]. No big deal.
Here’s an interesting piece from Addy Osmani on JavaScript application architecture [medium/addyosmani].
Finally, for this section at least, here’s a really promising thing: Codetree [codetree], a tool for managing GitHub issues better.

By Design


deSVG [benhowdle] is a tool to help remove SVG-related bloat from your site.
Here’s a great list of Photoshop extensions for front-end devs [vilcins].
Here’s Fast Company with their picks for the most important design lessons of 2014[fastcodesign].
And here’s a collection of the best website designs spotted in 2014 [zitrusfrisch].



Sticking with the “review 2014/preview 2015” theme, here’s Craig Buckler with his annual predictions for the year in web dev. For context, here’s how he did last year. Good luck Craig!
Then PHP editor Bruno Skvorc lays out his plans and intentions for the coming year, including plenty of worthwhile goals we’ll all be looking at.
We also have a collection of PHP tips and resources for 2015.
JavaScript turns 20 next year, here’s a look at how the language has “come of age”.
Finally, one for the marketers: a look at whether and why tag management is an area worth paying for.

Cast a Wide Net


Meanwhile, Google has unveiled Google Cast, a new service that lets you wirelessly push audio from your devices to compatible devices [arstechnica] so you can dance around on your own like an insane person.
What comes after IMAP? JMAP [blog.fastmail], an open protocol from Fastmail that aims to improve on its predecessor in pretty much every way.
Will 2015 be the year of Android? Sure, why not [rustyshelf].
Lastly for this section, here’s an interesting interview with Google’s philosopher[psmag]. Yes, Google has a philosopher.



Qvotr [qvotr] is like Pinterest but for words, as the site itself says.
Just go and watch this video of a feather and a bowling ball falling through the world’s largest vacuum chamber [sciencealert] because science is awesome and Galileo would want you to.
Remember when Twitch played Pokemon? Here’s how it all worked, in all its nerdy emulator glory [arstechnica].
Finally, this clock shows the most popular Instagram photos of the day/hour/second [clock.howloved]. Surprisingly there are no Kardashians to be seen.

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